Fastpitch Power Q&A Part 1

You guys sent us all of your questions on our social media pages, and here I am to answer them! You submitted some good stuff so be sure to watch this video! I know it is a much longer video than usual but I think you will find the information very helpful!



  1. rudy perales on November 12, 2019 at 8:31 AM

    Good morning Jill
    Some of the pitchers on our team are forcing there stride foot down to the dirt to shorten there stride as opposed to allowing the stride foot to reach chalk line of the circle are there any benefits to a pitcher doing this? also how much are virtual lessons?

    • Jill on November 15, 2019 at 3:57 PM

      Hi there! So getting the stride foot down is actually very important for timing and getting power from the ground up. However getting the stride foot down quickly does not mean the stride needs to shorten. If you are seeing shorter strides due to the foot landing too quickly it most likely means that your pitchers are trying to create their stride by reaching with the stride foot insteaed of pushing and gliding with the drive through foot. It is important to remember that being explosive off the rubber and getting a nice long stride comes from pushing with the DRIVE THROUGH (right foot for righties, left for lefties) foot, not the stride foot. Have your girls focus on pushing with the correct foot while still getting the stride foor down quickly.

      As for online services there are a few different options. If you’d like all of the details including pricing, send me an email at 🙂