Upper Body Strength Training for Softball Part II

Last week, I explained why old-fashioned push ups and pull ups are the best upper body exercises for softball players. Both exercises develop upper body and core strength simultaneously and execution of each exercise is determined by the teamwork between multiple segments of the body, just like any athletic movement. Lying, seated, and machine exercises do not require the interaction between the upper body and core, and therefore don’t prepare the body appropriately.

While push ups strengthen the muscles that make up the upper body “engine”, pull ups strengthen the “breaks”. The back and posterior shoulder (rotater cuff) and largely responsible for stabilizing the shoulder (keeping it in the socket) throughout the throwing motion and windmill delivery. However, very few young females can perform full range of motion pull ups. In the video below, I demonstrate a very simple strategy, utilizing a Superband, to progress toward body weight pull ups. The band assists the athlete toward bar, helping the most at the bottom of the motion where athletes are normally the weakest.

Superbands are inexpensive and can be taken to your gym. They are available through our Fastpitch Power store. The most assistance I’ve had to use with any athlete is looping 2, 1/2 inch bands to the athlete. I recommend purchasing 2, 1 inch bands and 1, 1/2 inch band. That will provide enough enough total assistance, and various amounts using combinations of bands to accommodate every athlete (use fewer/smaller bands for less help).