Medicine Ball Exercises for Batting and Pitching Power

Medicine ball exercises should be used to coordinate and translate the benefits of traditional strength training exercises into softball specific patterns. In the video below, I demonstrate the “meat and potatoes” of the medicine ball training I use with softball players to increase rotational power for throwing and batting.

Before interpreting the video, there is a very important principle you should consider: NO EXERCISE in the weight room should mimic softball specific movements precisely. Performance training exercises should emphasize and build a “functional reserve” of a few requisite capacities that may include: movement patterns, force production, muscular teamwork, range of motion, etc. With that said, these exercises emphasize movement through the hips under and stable core, separation of the upper and lower trunk, and lower trunk-to-upper trunk sequencing.

Coaching Cues

  • During the kneeling exercises, start with your butt on your heels. “Hips back, hands back.”
  • Fire your hips forward off your heels. “Hips through, hands through.”
  • Throw the ball into the wall, not up the wall. “Like the ball is wiping off a table.”
  • Keep your nose away from the wall.
  • Pick out a spot on the wall and hit it everytime.

Where can I buy a medicine ball? Dynamax Medicine Balls are designed perfectly to throw and catch safetly either against a wall or with a partner. A 6lb ball is appropriate for nearly every softball player regardless of age or size.