Therapy for your Hands and Feet

If you read our email newsletter, last time you received some great therapy for your often-ignored feet. I decided to share that info with everyone, and include some for your hands too!

Taking Care of your Feet

Softball players, and pitchers especially, tend to pay a lot of attention to their backs, shoulders, and legs. Your feet support you in everything you do, and while they tend to sustain injury less often, they can absolutely give you trouble if you don’t care for them properly. Injuries caused by weakness and overuse, such as plantar fasciitis, are common in the feet, and it’s very difficult to allow them to heal properly because simply walking can continue to irritate them.

Taking some simple measures to care for your feet can go a long way. Ensuring that your athletic shoes have proper arch support is a good start. Additionally, there are some simple stretching and strengthening exercises you can do to “wake up” your foot muscles. Try the routine in the second half of this short video:

Click to view Yoga Therapy for the Feet

If your feet cramp up the first few times you try these exercises, don’t worry! That’s a good indication that this is something you need. It means your feet aren’t quite prepared for that type of work… and think of all you ask them to do for you!

Taking Care of your Hands, Wrists, and Forearms

The same can be said for your hands and lower arms, especially if your a pitcher. Keeping your hands and wrists stretched and flexible not only reduces your chance of injury, it can also increase your feel for different pitches.

Click to view Yoga Therapy for the Hands, Wrists, and Forearms

Give these simple exercises a try! They’re quick, relaxing, feel good, and can be done anywhere—some of them even in bed. Your hands and feet will thank you.