How to Wake Up Your Arms and Legs

In my last post, we discussed some of the problems that can arise if your arms and legs are “asleep”—meaning your arm movements are dominated by your shoulder rather than your actual arms, and/or your leg movements are dominated by your hips rather than your legs. This can cause poor speed, bad movement pitches, inability to whip your arm, and in many cases, pain. Today we’re going to talk about WHY this happens in some pitchers and what you can do about it.

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Are Your Arms and Legs AWAKE?

Do you struggle with any of the following pitching symptoms: lack of speed, difficulty with the drive through, difficulty with balance/posture, difficulty “getting” forearm fire, or flat or wild movement pitches? Do you want to know what all of these very different issues could have in common? My most recent discovery may help you out.

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Are you hurting your progress by cheating at your drills?

This general concept is true of any pitching drill, but I want to focus specifically on arm isolation drills today. For those just learning to pitch, and those who are trying to switch to forearm fire style from something else, arm isolation drills are very important for learning the correct arm whip. However, it’s very easy to cheat at these drills—so easy, in fact, that you may be cheating without even realizing it! Are you unknowingly hurting your development?

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How Should Your Fastball Spin?

If this isn’t the number one question we receive via email and comments, it’s definitely at least in the top three. However, it’s not the question you should be asking. What you want to know is: how much should you CARE how your fastball is spinning?

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How do you fix your mechanics when you’ve got games to pitch?

I was working with a student yesterday for the first time since last year as she spent the entire off-season recovering from an injury. We spend the whole time doing specific drills and she put in a really outstanding effort to smooth out the illegal hop in her drive through. After the lesson she asked me, what am I supposed to do in games?

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The Speed of Softball

Coach Jill showed me this cool video today. There are a lot of fun facts in there you can share with the next person who tells you softball is easier than baseball… but the most important thing I see is EVERY PITCHER IS USING FOREARM FIRE!

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