Online Strength Training Program Sample

This past Monday I received two emails asking for more information on our online strength training programs. For this week’s post I’ve decided to explain exactly how the program works and provide examples of exactly what you receive as an online client.

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Softball Full Workout Sheets and Videos

Not to many trainers are willing to post their actual training programs or videos of their clients training. This week I’m putting myself out there and doing both. My goal for this week’s post is to show you examples of how I arrange the training components such as a warm up, power, strength, and core training into a workout and even donate example sheets that my athletes follow.

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THE Arm Injury Prevention Plan for Softball Players

Make this fall and winter a proactive off-season! If your arm was hanging this summer, if you had to miss games because of shoulder pain, you can take action this winter to get your arm feeling better than it ever has. Here is my five step plan shoulder and elbow injury prevention plan for softball players.

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Can Your Core Stand Up to Windmill Pitching?

It’s no secret that windmill pitching is not easy. It requires not only a tremendous amount of practice and aptitude for the skill, but also a tremendous amount of strength and stability. Core strength is something that is lacking in many—if not most—young female pitchers, yet it is absolutely essential to pitching with sound mechanics.

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Should Your Daughter Stop Playing Softball?

How much softball is too much? Does your daughter play all year round along with other seasonal sports? This type of schedule might enhance skills temporarily but ultimately will lead to overuse either physically or mentally. I’m not going to convince too many parents that they should give their daughter some time off, but I can do my best to help athletes stay healthy and prevent injuries if they are playing all year round. Here are a few examples of at-home workouts that give you NO EXCUSE not to start an exercise program as soon as possible!

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Softball Off Season Leg Strength Program

Preparation for the spring season starts NOW. Here is a five-month leg strength development program for middle school and high school softball players. It requires only the athlete’s bodyweight and one additional piece of equipment that can be purchased through our store.

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14-inch Training Softballs: Good or Bad?

Worth 5-Tool Training 14-inch softball

Last week I received an email from a reader asking my opinion of 14-inch training softballs for pitchers. Personally, I’m not a fan of using oversize softballs for training, but the 14-inch softball is a tool used by a number of pitching coaches, and so you’ll probably come across conflicting opinions about them. Today we’ll take an in-depth look at their purpose and the effects they have on pitchers. Hopefully it will help you decide whether the 14-inch training softball is right for you.

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Add 2-4 MPH to Your Fastball in 10 Minutes

How do you warm up? Do you jog out to the fence and back? Follow that up with toe touches and shoulder circles? If that’s the case you are under-preparing your body, and seriously undermining your performance. Warming up might be the last thing you want to spend time on (that goes for you too, coaches), but I’m here to demonstrate how you can literally turbo-charge your athletes in just ten minutes.

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Upper Body Strength Training for Softball Part II

Push ups and pull ups are the best upper body strength training exercises for softball players. However, most girls believe they’re not strong enough to perform them! In part two of this series I demonstrate how I every female athlete performing perfect pull ups as soon as possible.

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