Medicine Ball Exercises for Athletes

This week I’m posting a collection of medicine ball exercises that can be used to improve core strength and rotational power for any athlete. You will see a distinct progression from stability toward power emphasis, which I recommend you follow if you are trying these on your own or installing them with your athletes.

You do NOT have to start with the first exercise and progress down the list. There are a few categories of exercises within the list: Lunge Stance throws, Overhead Throws, and Rotational throws. Start with the first progression of each category and choose 2-3 exercises to perform during your workout or after practice. 3 sets of 8 throws per exercise is appropriate volume for most athletes. Medicine balls should weigh between 4 and 8 pounds and should be medium or non-bounce balls, which I feel are safer. Medicine balls can be purchased through our store.

Half Kneeling Rotation Scoop Throw – Stability

Half Kneeling Rotation Scoop Throw Outside Leg – Stability

Lunge Stance Rotation Scoop Throw – Stability

Lunge Stance Rotation Scoop Throw Outside Leg – Stability

Tall Kneeling Overhead Throw – Stability

Half Kneeling Overhead Throw – Stability

Lunge Standing Overhead Throw

Tall Kneeling Overhead Slam

Standing Overhead Slam

Standing Wood Chop Slam

Kneeling Rotation Scoop Throw

Standing Rotation Scoop Throw

Standing Rotation Scoop Throw – 2 Count

Half Kneeling Rotation Punch Throw

Standing Rotation Punch Throw

Standing Rotation Punch Throw w/Step Back