Free Downloadable Softball Conditioning Program

This week I’ve put together a softball conditioning program that any athlete (or parent) can follow on their own. You can use any piece of cardio equipment that you have access to or you could even perform these workouts at a track.

This program is an eight-session sample of a much larger project I’m working on. The program is designed by prescribing levels of perceived exertion for different intervals of time. Included in the program are six unique training sessions and two recovery days that should not be skipped.

Important to note, perceived exertion is relative to your current level of fitness. 70% today may mean you pedal at 125 watts on your stationary bike, while 70% in two weeks may mean you’ll be pedaling at 140 watts. This means that no workout will ever be the same and you can continue to repeat the cycle of eight sessions while competing to improve your performance from previous workouts.

Free Conditioning Program