Quick Tip: Making Sure Your Arm is on the Power Line

Since the forearm fire release and power line concept are two of the very first things you learn as a student of Fastpitch Power’s method or similar methods, it’s natural for a lot of pitchers to forget to focus on the power line as they advance in their training. Here are some simple reminders about the power line concept. Even if you don’t think this will apply to you, please read, especially if you tend to miss inside and/or outside!

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Correcting Your Drive Through With Core Training

If we were to self-appoint “Best Articles/Videos” of 2013, I would nominate this week’s video as the best of my contributions this year. I don’t think I’ve done a better job to date of explaining strength training principles in a way that softball athletes and coaches can understand and apply. In this week’s video I explain and demonstrate how to correct your pitching mechanics through core training.

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Where Drive Throughs Go Wrong

Last week I talked about the phases of the drive-through and how your body moves differently in each phase. I mentioned that this is something that MANY pitchers struggle with, but if you’re one of those pitchers, you may not fully understand why. Today we’re going to look at the top cause of not executing both phases of the drive through.

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Forearm Fire and Hip Position

Recently I received a great question about the relationship between the position of the hips and the delivery of the ball through the throw zone using forearm fire. Since everyone can benefit from my response, I address it in today’s video!

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Softball Speed Training Starts With This Exercise

What’s the fastest way to get fast? Get stronger. If you’ve been following along, you’ve heard me say this MANY times. However, while you’re building strength, you can add some explosive exercises to enhance your speed development. In this video I demonstrate and explain a speed training exercise that nearly every athlete can perform to get faster.

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An Extremely Common Drive-Through Problem

I know I’ve been talking about drive-throughs a lot lately, but I’m finding that the drive-through is the area where MOST windmill pitchers—even otherwise very accomplished pitchers—are almost universally lacking. Not only will a weak drive through rob you of speed, but it can also cause a chain reaction of countless other mechanical problems. There is a particular concept related to the drive-through that I think a lot of pitchers struggle with, and that’s what we’re going to discuss today.

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Best Self-Check Resources for Windmill Pitchers

When you’re learning to pitch on your own, or practicing on your own between pitching lessons, it can often be difficult to figure out what you’re doing right and what you’re doing wrong, and which problems should be addressed first. Yet, it’s very important to make sure you’re practicing good mechanics and not just reinforcing bad habits. Here are some of our favorite, nearly foolproof self-check resources that you can use when you’re unsure and/or when your pitching coach isn’t around.

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What to do if You’re Burnt Out or Injured

In this week’s video, I discuss your options following the season if you’re burnt out or injured. Sometimes it’s better for an athlete to hear another perspective outside their own head or household. Below the video, I’ve re-posted videos that cover at-home routines for every component of fitness regardless of your goal or current physical ability. Even if you’re injured, you can get SOMETHING done.

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